Collection: Needham Laser Marking

Intro to Needham Laser Marking

Needham Laser Technologies is UK’s leading manufacturer of industrial laser systems. With decades of experience in the development and manufacturing of laser marking solutions, our team of engineers are committed to building innovative, cutting-edge systems that offer reliability, durability and affordability.

Needham Laser Marking - Robust | Hassle Free Maintanence

  • No consumables needed
  • 40,000 hours of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) at 100% capacity
  • 3 Years Warranty for Laser Head (Needham)

Needham Laser Marking is Flexible | Fully Customizable

  • Standalone options and customized solutions available
  • Can be integrated to serve almost all applications
  • Communication with production software possible
  • Easy to use UI and smooth UX with minimal training needed

Needham Laser Marking offers High Speed | High Yield

  • Designed for high production output
  • High quality marking on a wide range of materials possible
  • Consistent marking results

Please contact us here for a discussion.

We would be glad to hear more about your project!