Tracing flu Progression via a Smart Face Mask with the LPKF ProtoLaser U4

As the world recovers from the pandemic, a shift in attitude towards healthcare can be seen. Developed from the constant vigilance and social distancing, there is heightened cautiousness towards sicknesses that were once deemed minor, such as the common flu or passing viral infections, to prevent it from potentially leading to something major. 

Coming down with a sickness causes changes in our body temperature and respiration patterns and if we can predict the changes, we can predict the progression or cycle of the sickness. To further explore this idea, a researcher from the National University of Singapore and their team came up with a Smart Face Mask that could potentially alert the wearer of an oncoming illness. It works by tracing the flu symptom progression based off the wearer's body temperature and respiration, and translating the data to check for trends or any abnormalities.   

The prototype was designed with the LPKF ProtoLaser U4 UV Laser System, boasting exceptional thermo-sensitivity with its ultrasensitive fibrous temperature sensors held on with custom flex-circuits to detect even tiny variations in temperature. 

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